www.gusucode.com > 搜索动力2010 v4.9 > 搜索动力2010 v4.9\程序说明.txt

    在线搜盟云搜索全天候关注各搜索引擎动态, 在第一时间修复死链;
提供全球十多万网站的中文直达服务, 用户不再担心进入钓鱼网站;
聚合热门搜索引擎, 随时切换, 用户操作更快捷;
聚合常用网站链接, 网站导航让用户操作更方便;
聚合手机搜索引擎, 让用户第一时间享受最前沿的3G应用;
可按您需要生成不同样式的搜索框, 支持多种编码, 让您轻松整合网站;
采用div+css皮肤, 符合w3c标准, 在不同浏览器、手机上均可正常使用;
多款皮肤可供选择、自定义性强, 轻松打造属于自己网站的搜索频道;
欢迎广大站长朋友加入在线搜盟云搜索, 我们一起改善搜索体验, 让用户搜索更方便。

1. 新增云输入法可选项
2. 完善搜索提示的用户体验
3. 完善部分搜索引擎下的用户体验
4. 更新首页搜索引擎选择项
5. 更新设置页搜索引擎选择项
6. 更新云端默认搜索引擎
7. 更新云端搜索引擎链接
8. 更新云端搜索引擎兼容级别
9. 更新默认皮肤
10. 更新十月节日温馨提示
Online search cloud search all-weather attention to the search engine dynamic, in the first time to repair dead chain;
To provide more than 100,000 global website of the Chinese direct service, users no longer worry about entering the phishing site;
Aggregate hot search engine, switch at any time, the user operation more quickly;
Aggregate common website links, site navigation allows users to operate more convenient;
Aggregation mobile search engine, allowing users to enjoy the most cutting-edge 3G applications;
Festive tips, customizable search box default text and other features more considerate users;
You can generate different styles of search box, support a variety of coding, allowing you to easily integrate the site;
Using div + css skin, in line with w3c standard, in different browsers, mobile phones can be used normally;
A variety of skin to choose from, custom and strong, easy to create their own website search channel;
You can easily set the search account information and information on the page, the proceeds from your final say;
Green software, safe non-toxic, no plug-ins, no advertising, no windows and other users of the code to hinder the experience.
Welcome to the webmaster friends to join the online search cloud search, we work together to improve the search experience, so that users search more convenient.

1. Added cloud input method options
2. Improve the search experience of the user experience
3. Improve the user experience under some search engines
4. Update the first page search engine options
5. Update the settings page search engine options
6. Update the cloud default search engine
7. Update the cloud search engine link
8. Update the cloud search engine compatibility level
9. Update the default skin
10. Update the October holiday tips